Course Overview
This nine week course is delivered entirely online. Participants will access course lessons and other materials through a private class website.
Once weekly, all participants will meet on Zoom with their teacher, Shawna Audet. During the Zoom meeting, Shawna will review to key points from each week's lessons, answer questions, and give a preview of the next week's content.
Although participants will work through the lessons at their own pace, the goal is to complete the work for each week before. There is an open-book exam at the end of the course.
Unit Breakdown
Week 1 - Understanding Dyslexia
Week 2 - Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, Encoding
Weeks 3 and 4 - Closed Syllable Progression
Week 5 - Open Syllables
Week 6 -Vowel Consonant-e progression
Week 7 - Vowel Teams, Vowel Diphthongs, r-Controlled and Consonant-le syllables
Week 8 - Lesson Planning
Week 9 - Exam
What are the learning objectives of this program?
•Understand the definition of dyslexia
•Learn how to identify signs of dyslexia
•Gain insight into what it is like to be a dyslexic person
•Gain expertise in how the English spelling system works
•Learn how to implement the Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching
•Optional practicum under the guidance of a mentor
What will not be covered in this program?
•How to conduct screening or assessment for dyslexia